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1 reviews
47.1 k downloads

Get jaw-dropping discounts and promos on Newegg

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Discover the ultimate experience in online electronics shopping with the Newegg app, where a vast selection of products from top categories is at your immediate disposal. Whether you're in the market for Laptops, Desktop PCs, Graphics Cards, Computer Components, or Accessories, you'll find that this platform caters to all your tech needs, conveniently delivering from a well-stocked inventory to 50 countries globally.

Indulge in a feature-rich shopping environment that allows seamless synchronization of your shopping process—from tracking your order and managing your account to ensuring your PC build components are fully compatible. Real-time order tracking, a PC builder tool with compatibility filters, and instant notifications for live shuffles and exclusive deals are just some of the tools designed to make your shopping journey as smart and efficient as possible.

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Stay informed and never miss an opportunity to save with push notifications, keeping you up-to-date on the latest promotions, including Daily Deals, Shell Shocker, or Flash sales. Leverage the side-by-side product comparisons to make informed decisions while benefiting from competitive pricing and a quality guarantee.

Interactive elements like live streams, short product videos, and a live chat support system elevate the shopping experience, offering insights and assistance when needed. Create and maintain a wish list to keep an eye on desired items and enjoy a tailored shopping adventure from the comfort of your device.

Take advantage of a commitment to providing a high-quality selection at great prices, with the added advantage of convenience and support. Download the app today to start exploring an easy, efficient, and rewarding online shopping experience that meets the demands of any tech enthusiast.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Newegg Inc..

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 9 or higher required

Information about Newegg 5.69.0

Package Name com.newegg.app
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Shopping
Language English
72 more
Author Newegg Inc.
Downloads 47,071
Date Sep 3, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 5.68.1 Android + 9 Aug 17, 2024
apk 5.68.0 Android + 9 Jul 30, 2024
apk 5.67.2 Android + 9 Jul 12, 2024
apk 5.67.1 Android + 9 Jul 12, 2024
apk 5.67.0 Android + 9 Jun 29, 2024
apk 5.66.0 Android + 9 Jun 12, 2024

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